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Use of the Numeno APIs is goverened by the Apache 2.0 license.

Apache 2.0 is a permissive software license that governs the Numeno API itself. You're free to integrate our APIs into your products that you sell or otherwise monetize. Your code is entirely yours, and isn't subject to the Apache license.

We enforce key-based access to our services - API keys are required to use Numeno, and we issue these through paid subscriptions. We WANT you to be successful in building hot products and services on top of Numeno, because when you are successful, we all win together :-)

Apache is an ideal license for Numeno users because it doesn't restrict anyone from building IP on top of our APIs. The Attribution obligations are lightweight and will only impact you if you intend to repackage and resell Numeno services with a very similar-looking API - which we're fine with :-)

Apache has other nice risk-mitigating benefits for you, like protecting you, an API user, from patent litigation from any other contributors to the API. So, looking forward, if we intend to accept contributions back to our APIs from our users, you will be insulated from patent litigation if one of those contributors wants to turn around and sue everyone who uses the API - not possible under Apache 2.0.